Blood Wedding by Wim Vandekeybus

Immersive soundtrack and sound design for Wim Vandekeybus’s show: Blood Wedding by International Theater Amsterdam.

Directed by Wim Vandekeybus
Production by International Theater Amsterdam x Ultima Vez
Original Music & Sound Design by Arthur Brouns
Film by Fernando Vandekeybus

featuring Eva Quartet of The Mystery of Bulgarian Voices.

Written & Composed by Arthur Brouns
Soprano Gergana Dimitrova
Mezzo-Soprano Sofia Yaneva
Alto Evelina Christova
Contralto Daniela Stoitchkova
Recording Engineer Pekarnata

Жетвата Иде (Harvest is Coming)

featuring Winne Clement on an originally made PVC overtone flute.

Original Music by Arthur Brouns
Overtone flute improvisation by Winne Clement
Recorded with Drop Down Community

The Horse

Inspired by early flamenco styles such as 'Cante Jondo' and a variety of Bulgarian dances, such as the 'Rachenitsa'.

Original Music by Arthur Brouns
Kaval Kostadin Genchev
Gadulka Hristina Beleva
Percussion Dimitar Semov
Guitar Dimitar Blagoev
Double Bass Boris Taslev

Wedding Dance

The Moon Speaks

Written to Hans Kestings' portrayal as the moon.

Original Music by Arthur Brouns
Performed by Drop Down Community

The River

featuring Winne Clement on an originally made PVC overtone flute.

Original Music by Arthur Brouns
Overtone flute improvisation by Winne Clement


Infamous Offspring by Wim Vandekeybus